Is your store information accurate on Google Maps


Have you ever used Google Maps only to find out that the store is closed as the hours listed are wrong? Or even worse, look what happened to this small business in Portland, Oregon when they were incorrectly listed as “Permanently closed” on Google Maps. Learn how to claim your Google My Business listing with our free guide below to make sure you show up properly in searches.

As a shopper, one of the first things I do before heading out to a store is to do a quick Google Search online to check the location, the store hours and possibly the closest parking lot. This is a fairly common routine now with many consumers as it saves them time and ensures that the store or cafe is definitely open.

Even if you have a web site, the average consumer will rely on the Google profile that often shows up with a link to Google Maps.


If your business information is not correct in that profile, you’re potentially turning away existing customers and missing out on one of the best, free marketing tools available online today.

Read our easy guide to set-up your Google My Business account in 4 easy steps!

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