We pride ourselves on our ability to keep improving our productivity. This has allowed us to maintain our pricing as low as possible compared to many of our competitors.
But as we continue to add ever more features to our popular ACE-Shopify integration, the resources required during the set-up have increased significantly. This is on top of the development costs required for us to stay up-to-date with Shopify’s requirements. Just within the last several months, Shopify has upgraded to TLS 1.2 and suddenly announced that they will no longer support their existing API (the connection point for integrated software such as ACE Retail) as of August 1, 2018 which required us to re-write significant portions of the ACE-Shopify integration.
We just wanted to give you a head’s up that the price for our Shopify set-up services will be increasing by $300 as of September 1, 2018.
So what does this mean for you? It means that you have until Friday, August 31, 2018 to lock in our Shopify set-up service at the current, low rate. Browse what’s included in our services today to get an early start on your Shopify store before the busy holiday season and to take advantage of our pre-increase rates!
As a thank you to our existing customers, we are also offering a special summer gift of $100 credit with any purchase of our ACE-Shopify Integration module + Shopify Set-Up services together. This credit is valid for 12 months and can be used on any future purchase of software or support services. This offer is valid until August 31, 2018 and cannot be combined with any other offer.
For more information about our Shopify services, please contact us at integration@acepos-solutions.com or by phone at 1-855-660-2555, Ext 1.

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